Monday 4 March 2013

Kick up the bum or Inspire It's all the same thing really

I am now almost 2 months into this life change and I am loving it. In a week this blog will be 2 months old. In the past 2 months I have been inspired by some great people in the 'virtual' world and friends & family.

I have even had a few people tell me that I have inspired them. Some say given them a kick up the bum. But inspire sounds better.

Out of the blue on Saturday whilst I was out at a Rodeo for the day with my family I got a message that one of my facebook friends had put a message on my wall. Of course as patients is not something I have I had to check it out.

There was a message from a friend who I have rediscovered since the joys of facebook. She is someone I went to primary school & part of high school with. I haven't seen her for 19years! Yet here she is sending me messages that to be honest brought a tear to my eye. I was truly touched. Little does she know (until she reads this) that she inspires me. I love reading her updates and her enthusiasm for life. I live vicariously through her. She works FIFO, is single, knows how to have a great time & looks fantastic doing it. I did have a little chuckle when I read her post the following day about having sore muscles and how it was all my fault.

I love that I can connect with so many people through this blog. I honestly don't think I would still be going if I didn't have the support. Even after a hockey meeting the other night I had a couple of girls told me I was doing great and to keep it up. These comments are what helps me to get out of bed early & not eat that chicken cheese sausage that was staring at me in the road house today.

I also have another person actually couple who inspire me. They are friends and my cousins, cousins (does that make sense?). Anyway I saw them at a wedding about 18months ago and they both looked fantastic. When I asked what they were doing she told me they had changed their lifestyle. They had moved to a coastal city and were more active with their 2 beautiful kids. Now when I read her facebook updates about going for a run & doing triathlons it inspires me.

This may be a bit mushy but I just wanted to do a post to say thanks for all the support so far. I am loving it and I truly appreciate it.

Here is the post from the FANTABULOUS Skye. We will definitely be catching up before the end of the year. Start to feel old when you say it's been 20 years since you have seen a friend.

Just wanted to say that I think your doing an amazing effort! I read your blogs and it makes me all warm and fuzzy! Much love to you xxx
Photo: Just wanted to say that I think your doing an amazing effort! I read your blogs and it makes me all warm and fuzzy! Much love to you Nikki McCuish xxx

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