Sunday, 21 December 2014

2014 Wrap Up

So 2014 is almost over and we are heading off tomorrow for 3 relaxing weeks at the beach!!! I can't wait it is my favourite time of the year. I LOVE Christmas and relaxing at the beach. We are camping at a caravan park with my parents and my brother, his partner and daughter will join us for some of the time too.

I thought now was as good a time as any to do a bit of reflecting. Whilst I haven't achieve all I set out to in 2014 I am still pretty happy with where I am at.

Weight Loss
First and foremost let me get this chapter you know I haven't had the loss that I had last year and I have struggled all year. Well actually not really I started the year around 87kg I got down to 84kg but majority of the year I have sat around the 88/87kg mark. Whilst my goal was to hit the magical 70kg mark. I am super happy with being able to maintain my weight for 12 months!!!! I know that by doing this slowly and healthily I have made life changes and not been on a diet.

I completed my second half marathon knocking about 30min off my time from last year. It was much more enjoyable this year as I ran with a great friend of mine and we stayed together the whole way. I also got to watch another great friend cross the finish line and give her the biggest hug. (even if she was cursing me at the time) During hockey season I worked hard on my fitness and speed. This year I was defnitely the fastest and fitness I have been since I was about 14!! I joined a wonderful community of Facebook called Running Mums Australia. It has grown into a huge community of mums who run. From people starting out to marathons and ultra marathon runners. I have learnt so much from these wonderful supportive ladies. I also finally went to my first Parkrun event. Oh how I wish I was in Perth at 8am every Saturday morning. The last 10 weeks we have been doing group fitness. I have worked on my strength and core muscles. I went from not being able to do 1 push up on my toes to doing 20!!!!! I can hold a plank for over 90 seconds and I can do sit ups!!!! (& burpees)

Towards the end of the year we started our little fitness group in town. We would meet twice a week to do some circuit work. It was so much fun and on average there was between 6-8 of us most sessions. What this did was make me realise how much I was to pursue and career as a personal trainer. However to study you need money as nothing is free. So I have just last week started working as a casual Bank Teller which is what I did before I had kids. I love that it is casual so I can fit it in with my kids life.

So what are the plans for 2015?????
Well it will be a year of changes.............Bugalugs starts kindy :( which means my baby will be out of the house 2 days a week! I'm not too sure that I am ready for that. Actually I know that I am not ready for that!!! I will be working which will be a great distraction. I plan to start my study. I will be taking part in Ride for a Cure in October. Which is a 200km bike ride over 2 days raising money for the Harry Perkins Institute of Cancer Research.  I was inspired by friend who participated this year. I am excited for us to raise lots of money to help fight this horrific disease.

I will send some of the holidays making a plan of attack for 2015. I love having holidays at this time of the year so you have lots of time to work out a plan for the new year ahead. When I get back I will let you know what the plan is. I am really hoping to get back into the mind set I had at the start of 2013.

Thank You for putting up with me this year. My not so regular blog posts and my abundance of sweaty selfies.

Wishing everyone a very Safe, Happy & Merry Christmas and an Awesome 2015!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you too, and you will get from your RMA group that I get from the 12wbt Runners Connect group, so inspirational and sometimes it's all I need to get my butt moving. Looking forward to reading what goals you have instore.
