Over all goal weight loss for the next 12months 20 - 30kg
One Month Goal
1 Diet Coke a week.
2lt of water a day
How will I achieve it??
No exercise excuses. Follow the meal plan and NO EXTRA SNACKING!!!
Use water bottles & maybe add lemon when I'm struggling
3 Month Goal
No Diet Coke
Run out a full game of hockey without asking to come off (this doesn't mean not coming off it just means not putting my hand up because I can't breathe or speak to ask to come off. My team mates will understand this)
How will I achieve it??
being accountable!!! Blogging more.
Training hard and putting in the extra effort. Try different training other then just running.
6 Month Goal
Run my second half marathon in a better time & head space. No walking
How will I achieve it??
Training, training, training.
Not letting myself fall off the wagon. Stay committed to the programme and not let self doubt and good times throw me off course.
12 Month Goal
Run or work out 5 days a week NO EXCUSES
Be strong enough to go it alone.
How will I achieve it??
not too sure just yet I will get back to you one that.
These are all very similar to my goals I wrote on my fridge back in January. Just a little more specific and with a time frame attached. And as you can see they aren't all weight loss driven. There are a few other areas that I need to work on. The evil Diet Coke has made it's way comfortably back into my daily life.
Once this round starts I will blog every week with a recap of the week and go back to sharing my weekly weigh ins. You know how much I LOVE to share.
How do you set goals?? I am always open to suggestions of how others achieve and reach their goals and succeed.
Blogging more, I like that one. I'll keep hounding you if you stop blogging, how's that? Good luck Nikki.