Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Words I never thought I would say!

Well it's a very exciting day for me. I have 'removed' 20.7kg. For those new to Becoming Nikki I never say that I have lost weight because if something is lost then you try and find it and I never want to find this weight again.

Since starting the journey I have found a whole new vocabulary. There are words coming out of my mouth for the first time in 33yrs.

"I love running"
"I can't wait for hockey training"
"I think I need a smaller size"
"No thanks I have had enough" (this is more for food then alcohol but I'm working on it)
"I ran a lazy 5, 7 or 8km on a Sunday morning"
"I have lost 10kg"
"I have lost 15kg"
"Yes I will happily tell you my weight" This happened on the weekend at the hospital.
and now I can say
"I HAVE LOST 20KG!" Something I could never imagine happening.

Here are a couple of little things I am also noticing with my 20kg weight removal. (sorry I can't stop saying that number)
My wedding & engagement rings are loose
My watch has become loose
My boobies have definitely shrunk. Which has been fine but they can stop now.
I am MUCH fitter
I am a better mum & wife. (although I was pretty good at those things already ;) )
My hair is healthier. Even my hairdresser commented.
My skin is clearer

Here is something I am struggling with though. Compliments. I love getting them but I am finding I don't really know how to respond. I always find myself saying shyly "Thanks but I still have a long way to go" Or "Thanks it's been hard work". Why can't I just say "Thanks yeah I have worked hard and I feel great."

I did my measurements this morning. I have lost 59cm! The biggest difference has been on my hips. I have lost 20cm from my hips!

Where to from here. Well my next mini goal is to get out of the obese range and into the overweight range on the BMI Chart. I only a couple of kilos away from that.

I am trying to concentrate on my running. As it is under a month until my half marathon run. So I want to get a few long runs in. I also want to look into when to start doing some toning exercises. Should I wait until I lose a bit more weight or should I start now??

Should I sign up for Round 3 of 12WBT??? I haven't really used it a lot this time around. Mostly just for a few recipes.

So here are this week's stats
Weekly removal: 1.3kg
Rnd 2 12 WBT: 6kg (this is the last week of this)
Total cm removed: 59cm
Total Weight Removed: 20.7kg!!!!

Need to some up with a reward for my next 10kg which is only 9.3kg away. I am open to any suggestions.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Farm v's Town Running & This Weeks Plans.

Happy Monday

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had a mixed weekend. Miserable rainy windy horrible day at hockey on Saturday. We also lost the game which had us all feeling as bad as the weather. But Sunday the sun was shining and I went for my first run in about a week and a half. Then spent the day at Mum & Dad's new block where the kids had a blast running around. Was a great family day. 

A few weeks ago I put a post of facebook showing photo's of where I run. Gravel roads and tracks on the farm where we live. I love it but I had thought that maybe running on smooth footpaths & having something different to look at wouldn't be that bad either.  

This Sunday I was at my Mum & Dad's place. They live in a small country town about an hour away. So I went running on smooth footpaths with lovely gardens to look at. I went out at 7am so there weren't many people around. As I was about half way through my run I was longing to be back on the farm! I'm not sure what it was exactly. I was struggling a bit and kept thinking in my head that I wouldn't be struggling if I was running at home. Which of course I totally would have been because I hadn't been for a run for a week and a half!! 

I was really happy with my time. I did 5km in 30min. So great to be back home by 7:30am with my run down and out of the way. We have a joke in our family, whoever is the last person up my Mum always says she has been up and run 5km already. Which is soooo not true. So it was great when my Dad staggered out of bed to say "I have run 5km" and it was true!! 

So this week I am getting some much needed sorting of my clothes done. I need to empty all the clothes that are now to big out of my cupboards so I can fit all my smaller clothes in.  My weekly exercise plan is I have Netball tonight. Hopefully go for a run tomorrow morning before heading to Perth for a quick day trip. Rest Wednesday (or maybe a morning run no time in the evening). Thursday is hockey training which will involve lots of fitness work we have been told. Friday a light run. Saturday a game of hockey. Sunday a long run 10k+ hopefully.

Have a great week everyone! 

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

I have made a decision......

So since this whole putting myself out there and letting the whole world know what I am doing is working for me so far. I am going to put my next little challenge out there too. Given the shenanigans of last weekend. And several other occasions not only this year but the past 15yrs. Well maybe earlier then that but I turned 18, 15years ago so we will go with that. Drinking is really not my friend. Especially when I am trying to lose weight.

So here is the decision..... I am going to give up drinking until the 7th September. Now before anyone jumps to conclusions NO I AM NOT PREGNANT! I am just not able to control myself. And it's not so much the drinking but the eating that goes with drinking and the day after.

Why until the 7/9/13 you ask. Well that is the date of our hockey grand final and I plan for my team to be in that grand final. And there is no way I am playing in (and winning) a grand final and not drinking afterwards. That would just be CRAZY.

There will be one exception to this and that is my nephews 18th birthday dinner which is on the 17th August. I will have a glass to toast him turning 18. But I will be the driver that night so that I will only be able to have one drink.

I will see how I go with this and then slowly start drinking again but I really just think it is something I need to do if I am going to reach my Christmas goal. Time to get serious!! 

Now what am I going to do about my bottle of Moet that I am oh so close to popping to celebrate losing 20kg. Well that will go into the esky to be popped after the final whistle. And if for some reason we don't make the grand final well then maybe I will drink it whilst watching the game. Or take it to watch my old team in their grand final.

Weigh in day today. I stayed the same as last week which took me by surprise. I am determined to hit that 20kg mark in the next week or 2. It is very frustrating that it is so close. I haven't been running this week as I have a massive head cold which today has meant blocked ears all day. I have hockey training tomorrow night which I am looking forward to as I just want to get out and do something!!

Not going to post my usual Wednesday weight stuff as it is exactly the same as last week. :)

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Always have a plan....and other lessons learnt from the weekend.

Well it's the start of a new week and the last couple of days of school holidays for us. The kids go back on Wednesday. I have to say I have really enjoyed these holidays. We have not done much at all. Which I think has been the best part. Just a bit of down time at home.

On the weekend we shipped the kids off to Nanna & Pop's place so that we could have a night out in Perth with some friends. We met Mum half way between our place and theirs (about 45min drive) before hockey so that we could head straight to Perth from there. We had decided to book into a hotel just down the road from where we were going so that we could both have a drink and not have to fight worry about who was driving. This may have been my first mistake.

We arrived in plenty of time to get ready. I had literally come straight from hockey. Still had my uniform on shin pads and all. I did wonder why a girl in the bottle shop where we stopped on the way down was looking at my funny. Here was everyone dressed up grabbing their drinks for a night out and here I was in my hockey clothes. So nice hot shower, hair dried and straightened, make up, SKINNY jeans, knee high boots, warm top & I was ready to go. Also a few glasses of bubbles whilst all this was taking place. Probably my second mistake.

All set for a night out.

We headed to a lovely pub and were greeted with a glass of bubbles from our lovely hosts. Now here is where things started to go wrong. I didn't have a plan!!! So far this year when I have gone out knowing I will be drinking I have had a plan either in my head or with my hubby. Normally it includes watching how much I drink and making sure I have water. Also making sure I EAT. I had no plans Saturday night. We were supposed to order dinner but as happens when you are out we all got talking and drinking and by the time we went to order dinner the kitchen was closed! No problem we would just go somewhere else. Only problem was no where else was open. 

So at about 11pm we did a disappearing act and decided to order pizza on the way back to our hotel. Now this is where my memory is a little fuzzy. As I had been drinking bubbles for 5 hours with no water and hadn't eaten since I had a toasted sandwich at lunch time. 

Fast forward to 7am Sunday, oh lordy! This is why I normally have a plan. Not only was I feeling 'precious' as hubby puts it but my head cold that had been starting to develop for a few days was now taking over my body. I think what I was most disappointed about was that I had planned to go for a run along the beach on Sunday morning and I was really looking forward to it. So instead we went for breakfast and watch all the other healthy people out going for their runs. 

We packed up and headed to the shops to grab a few things before we headed to pick up the kids. As you do when you are feeling the effect of a big night out I ate things I shouldn't have. For the first time in ages I had some yummy Red Rooster. Although the chips weren't all that nice which was a good thing.

We picked up the kids and were home by 6pm. All very tired and worn out from a busy weekend. The kids spent the weekend at Mum & Dad's new block planting trees, toasting marshmallows, building fences and having a blast.

Trying to look happy and refreshed whilst feeling like death.

So lessons have been learnt from the weekend!! Always have a plan when going out for a big night. Even if your not planning on it being a big night. Always eat if you are going to drink. Always have someone who can make you eat or drink water. And maybe being the driver is a good option to stay on track. We did however have a great night and met some great people. Just wish I had of pulled up a bit better on Sunday. 

So now I am trying to suck it up and get back on track for this week. I am not going for a run tonight as I am playing netball instead. I am trying to decided if I should sign up for round 3 of Michelle Bridges 12WBT. I do enjoy it but I am not really using it as it is intended. I am mainly using the recipes and I do still love her mind set videos but I am not following the 'plans'.  

Have a great week I am off to die quietly in a corner somewhere whilst bugalugs is having her sleep and the older 2 are watching tv. 

Thursday, 18 July 2013

The family that eats together........

It's been a busy week here. Kids and I spent a few days away. Including a night with a sick toddler which meant only 2hrs sleep before a big day in Perth. Luckily she cheered up a little and now jsut has a very horrible cough and runny nose.

I was prepared before I went away and made some soup and Dahl to take with me. It was the easiest things I could think of to make and take with me. I nearly relented and bought some comfort food for lunch. Red Rooster was looking pretty damn good. As was the chocolates at the servo when I stopped to get fuel on the way home. BUT I didn't!

I have been eating seperate meals to the family probably 5 nights a week. It has been ok as normally the kids eat early and then hubby and I eat once they are in bed. But this sometimes can mean I am making 3 different meals a night. Not something that can really work long term. I am still trying to convert hubby into eating the same meals as me but it is a work in progress. Plus it is well past the time when we should be sitting down and eating as a family.

We go through phases or should I say I go through phases of us all sitting together for tea. It usually works for a few weeks but then life gets in the way and we go back to the kids eating early at the kitchen bench. More often then not we are watching the news while this is happening. Not exactly great parenting but there you go.

So we are back to eating at the table and all eating the same meal. Another added bonus is that the table gets cleared every night. It does become a dumping ground. Tonight we had chops, mashed pumpkin & potato, carrots, peas & corn. It was very yummy and I just had smaller portions. The kids ate all their tea without any complaints. Even little miss strong willed 2yr old ate everything!

Since I missed my post yesterday with all my weigh in results here it is. I gained 300grams. Which all things considered I was ok with. Although a little frustrated as had it been 300 gram loss I would have been jumping with joy at reaching 20kg removed! I am determined to reach that goal this week.

So here are this weeks stats
Weekly results 300g gain
Rnd 2 12WBT 4.7kg
Total Loss  19.4Kg
600 grams till that bottle of Moet!!!!! So close but yet so far. Lucky I didn't put it in the fridge. ;)

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

I have collar bones!!!

As I have said more then once I am loving all the new things I am discovering along this 'journey'. There are foods I have never tried and now love, there are clothes and shops I am discovering and there are parts of my body I am discovering also.

I actually have collar bones!! And you can now see that I have them!!!! I remember a month or so ago I was on the phone to a friend and I rubbed my neck. I felt my collar bones and told her 'oh my god I have collar bones'. We both had a bit of a giggle about it. Then on Monday I was looking in the mirror when I was washing my hands and realised you can SEE my collar bones. I was excited my this and told hubby. He didn't quite get my excitement but he is male so I will let him off.

Not the best pic but you get the idea. 

I also go through phases in my food. At the moment I am loving pizza's for lunch. I have tried lots of different toppings. Yesterday and today I had roasted pumpkin & feta. It was so yummy. I use a multi grain wrap as the base and tomato pizza sauce then just add toppings and herbs. My favourite spice at the moment is Moroccan spice mix. I have even got the kids hooked onto these pizza's for lunch during the holidays. Lochie loves trying to work out what topping he can have each day. 

Another thing I have noticed just in the last few weeks is the amount of energy I have. I am bouncing off the walls and jumping around the place. Quite literally! Mark is wondering what is going on with his wife. He comes home and I can't sit still. The kids are loving that I am playing with them more. Molly loves it when we put music on and dance around the house. (another time when I am happy we live on a farm)

If you follow my facebook page you will have seen my weigh in update yesterday. I am sooooo close the that next bottle of Moet I am tempted to put it in the fridge. 

Weekly Weigh In: 2kg removed
Round 2 12WBT: 5kg
Total removed: 19.7kg
Total until next bottle of Moet: 300grams!!!!! 
Almost all nice even numbers.

This weeks results show what can happen when you put your mind to it. The only thing I really changed is I didn't drink on Saturday night after hockey. I had 2 beers after the game then I stopped. I picked at the kids chips and nuggets they had for tea. But we went home and I had yummy eggs on toast for tea. We had roast pork for tea Sunday night and we won't  be having it again for a while as I have learnt this is not a meal where I can have any self control. Crackling, apple sauce, gravy etc!

Is there a meal that you love and find you have no self control???

Sunday, 7 July 2013

More Mini (major) Milestones Reach.

What a week it has been. I have been back on track and feeling more positive then I have for a while.

Last weekend we went to Perth and I went for a run. Not just any run I did 9km in an hour. I actually RAN for a WHOLE hour!! I know I was shocked too!! We ran 'around the block' twice it was all footpaths and traffic. We passed a couple of people out walking mostly older men off to get their Saturday paper from the corner shop.

Monday afternoon after planting veggies in our new planter boxes I ran around tidying the kitchen and getting tea organised so that when hubby got home I could go for a run before it was too dark. I did 6km and it was quite easy. As I was running along the gravel 'roads', dodging corrugations and pot holes I was thinking about how different this run was from the one I had done on Saturday morning. No foothpaths, green grass, ocean views etc. But also fresh air, peace, the odd kangaroo checking to see what I am doing and no one could see me. No traffic, no other runners or walkers, no stopping to cross roads.

Here are the roads I run on and I wouldn't change it for anything!!! Well perhaps fewer corrugations but other then that I love it.

Also today I received some clothes from a friend. I love hand me downs!! So I had a little fashion parade this afternoon in front of the whole family. I brought the mirror from my bedroom into the lounge so I could get changed in the warmest room in the house. Some things fit, some didn't. Some I thought I would just try to see how far away I was from fitting into that size.

There was a pair of Target Hot Option size 14 jeans. I looked at them and told hubby I would try them on to see. But wasn't expecting to A. be able to pull them up all the way and B. be able to do them up. Well I could do both!!! Admittedly they didn't look very attractive as there was a major muffin top happening actually it was more like a volcano exploding. BUT I got them on and done up! There were also a couple of size 14 dresses which fit.
Size 14 first time since I was 14. Only 19yrs ago. 

So all in all I have had a great week. I am back on track after a couple of so-so weeks. It's school holidays for us so I am looking forward to spending some time with my older kids. We have no real plans which I love. There will be a few pyjama days, baking days & visits to friends. And there will be running. Especially after the roast pork we had for dinner tonight!!